Thursday, January 28, 2016

CUNY CATW Materials


We will look at "Individuals in Groups" and "Is Music a Good Tool for Health" AND "Kingsborough Reading and Writing Center: Reviewing the CATW Criteria for Writing and Trying Out a Practice Writing" in class.

Please do not go over these materials in advance. It is better to look at them with the class.

Feel free to look over any other materials listed here.

CATW Flash Cards

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

* cite your source
* Main Idea
* Important points/supporting details
* Paraphrase

-No opinion
-No small details
-No discussion/explanation
-No direct quotes

* Your opinion
* Refer back to specific points in the article
*Quotes or reported speech encouraged
* Support your opinion with life experiences, observations, or past learning
Essay Structure
* General statements
* Introduce the topic(s)
* Thesis (your main idea, your reason for writing this essay, what the whole essay will be about)

Body paragraph(s)
* Topic sentence
* Discuss your topic
* Support your discussion

* Reword -Thesis
* Remind – of the points you discussed
* Relate – Make the essay feel finished

CATW Essay
Hook (interesting, general statement)
Summary of article
Thesis (YOUR idea about the article)

Body paragraph(s)
Topic sentence
Response to one aspect of the article


Tongue Computing
* Source:
 “Tongue Computing Could Help Disabled” posted on

* Main Idea:
There’s a new technology being developed which can allow people who are disabled more freedom and control in their lives by using their tongue to operate a sort of computer in their mouths.

* Important points/supporting details
- Keyboard on teeth
- Easy to learn
- In development (Georgia Tech)
- A lot more options/more advanced than other current options

                Can you imagine not being able to use your hands? Many people are in this exact predicament. That’s why the new technology being developed by Georgia Tech is so exciting. According to “Tongue Computing Could Help Disabled” posted on, there is a new computer that disabled people can control with their mouths, allowing them to manipulate the world around them in new ways. The machine is easy to learn and offers many more options than what is currently available on the market. As someone with a close friend who is disabled, I have seen firsthand out exciting and helpful this new technology can be.