Monday, March 21, 2016

Beginning Introduction and Topic Sentences

Essay types we've covered:

Narrative: Story with a point (thesis)
Descriptive: focuses on describing with reason thesis)
Expository: explains (exposes) with a clear thesis

Expository Essay Structure:
Introduction –
General statement: Cats are the best pets
Introduce the topics (1 - quiet, 2 – catch pests, 3- very sleepy)

Body -
Topic 1 – cats are quiet
Support: Evidence, discussion, commentary
Topic 2 – cats catch pests
Support: Evidence, discussion, commentary
Topic 1 – cats sleep all the time
Support: Evidence, discussion, commentary

Reword – reword your thesis
Remind – remind the reader of the points you made
Relate – make the essay feel finished

Introduction worksheet:

Music is the universal language
Reggae, punk, rap
 - culture
 - popularity
 - gneration to generation (over time)

1. Nowadays, many men and women work in law, accounting, real estate, and business. These people are serious about becoming successful, so they work long hours during the week and even on weekends. People who work long hours are called “workaholics.” Because they work so many hours, workaholics may not spend enough time in leisure activities. Therefore, workaholics’ lifestyles can affect their families, social lives, and health.

2. Diving a car is a necessity in todays’s busy society, and it is also a special privledge. Therefore, anyone who wants to drive must carry a driver’s license. Getting a driver’s license is a complicated process. It is divided into four steps: studying the traffic laws, taking the written test, learning to drive, and taking the driving test.

3. The teenage years between childhood and adulthood are a period of growth and separation. During this period, children separate themselves form their parents and become more independent. Teenagers express their separateness most vividly in their choice of clothes, hairstyles, music, and vocabulary.

Topic sentences:

Topic sentence – first sentence(s) of each body paragraph, tells the reader what the topic will be and restricts the writer to that topic
Teenagers always seem to have some shocking styles. This is because they are experimenting with their independence through how they dress.

Forget sauce !!!!
fast food !!
profit !!

In-class assignment:

Write an introduction and topic sentences for body paragraphs on this topic:

Some people belive college students should devote all their time to study
and not have any part-time jobs that might take them away from their
school work. What is your opinion? Why?
1. What is your opinion?
2. How can I support that opinion?
3. Introduction: general statement, introduce topic, theis
4. What topics will your body paragraphs cover (your support)
5. What will your topic sentences be?