Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Boys and Girls Together Taught Separately in School Summary/Response

What is a summary?
Using your own words, briefly describe the writing’s main ideas.
*Main idea(s)
   -Talk about the story
*Cite (name) your source
   - Title, Author, where it was published   (such as the title of a newspaper)
*Use your own words (paraphrase)
*Longer than one sentence, shorter than original
*Only talk about what the author has said
*If there are two opinions, you must share BOTH
Don’t Include:
*Small details
   -Don’t retell the story
*Do not quote the author directly
*Do not share your opinion

Boys and Girls Together… Jennifer Medina … New York Times
What is/are the main idea(s)?
Children being taught separated from the opposite gender

What are some of the supporting details?
1. How classes are conducted
2. Not everyone agrees on the new system
3. It is an experiment – no scientific evidence of effectiveness
Are there two opinions? What are they?
This is a good system/this is not a good system

Some schools are teaching children in gender-segregated classrooms, according to the article “Boys and Girls Together, Taught Separately in School” by Jennifer Medina printed in The New York TimesIn classrooms separate from the other gender, boys are taught by a teacher who behaves like he is coaching a sports team, while the girls are taught by a woman who uses a much more sensitive approach. The new approach is an experiment that many schools are trying across the country, but the strategy is getting mixed reviews. While some parents feel that their child is paying more attention without the added distraction of the opposite gender in the classroom, some experts are worried about the future implications of the new teaching strategy, insisting that it will hurt children later in life when they can no longer avoid working with the opposite sex. Research hasn’t yet confirmed whether the teaching method is more effective than more traditional approaches.


Summary/attributing correctly:

According to Kim Gandy, president of the National Organization for Women brings out that girls develop more confidence by being involved in class participation. Kim also refers to the boys behavior by focusing more in a single-sex classroom.
-don't refer to people by first name only
- attribute quotes to correct people
-same problem if you said "the author said" when you're quoting a person's opinion in the article

Fixed:In the article, it is explained that girls develop more confidence by being involved in class participation. The article also refers to the boys’ behavior by focusing more in a single-sex classroom.


Connecting quotes:
Incorrect:I believe that when girls are in class with just girls, they would feel more comfortable because they are with their own kind. Even guys/boys I sometimes notice feel better/comfortable just being around guys. In the article it says "now I never hear a word from teachers about behavior problems, and when he talks about school, he is actually talking about work." In a show I was watching girls were in a class just girls, and the girls grades were actually very high.
-WHO is the quote about? "He"? And HOW does it relate to the before and after discussion?

Fixed:I believe that when girls are in class with just girls, they would feel more comfortable because they are with their own kind. Even guys/boys I sometimes notice feel better/comfortable just being around guys. In the article, there is an example of this situation when Samell Little says about her son, "now I never hear a word from teachers about behavior problems, and when he talks about school, he is actually talking about work." In a show I was watching girls were in a class just girls, and the girls’ grades were actually very high.


Introduce/connect quotes:

Although I like to take classes with boys and girls, I'm agree with the article and I believe that single classes can help you get better. "Before, it was...he is actually talking about work." (Jennifer M., par 4) I've never been in a classroom taking class with only boys. However, I think the article is right because when I was in 4th grade, there was this cute girl I liked and I ...
-Can't "agree with the article" because the article has two sides
-Must introduce quote
- Must give quote context and can only shorten to make CLEARER
-never refer to authors by 1st name

Although I like to take classes with boys and girls, I agree with the idea in the article that says boys and girls being separated is beneficial, and I believe that single classes can help you get better. One parent in the article explains the change between before and after her son was put in a single-sex classroom. She said, "before, it was all about showing girls who was toughest ... now when he talks about school, he is actually talking about work." (Medina., par 4) I've never been in a classroom taking class with only boys. However, I think the article is right because when I was in 4th grade, there was this cute girl I liked and I ...

I am agree with the article because in the article the girls are more likely to participate in the class is boys are not in the same class because I also feel more comfortable in the class and answering the questions if boys are not in the class. But if boys and girls in the same class then its good for professional life of both boys and girls. They both before more confident.
-Cannot agree with the article
-because used incorrectly second time because of earlier sentence structure (they are not more likely to participate "because" you are more likely to participate)
-good point at end but needs SERIOUS expansion! Don't just name your point and end. CONVINCE me

I agree when the article explains that girls are more likely to participate in the class if boys are not in the same class because I also feel more comfortable in the class and answering the questions if boys are not in the class. But if boys and girls are in the same class then it’s good for professional life of both boys and girls. They both become more confident.------Good example:


A good students example of a summary/response to this article:

Boys and girls tend to learn more and better when they are taught separately in different classes. However, some think it causes gender discrimination. The article "Boys and Girls Together..." by Jennifer Medina says that separating boys and girls to different classes has increased academic performance. Kids tend to focus more and understand the class work more. The test scores have increased and the behavioral problems have decreased. According to one of the parents, he said his son's work has increased in school. He hasn't heard from teachers about behavior problems and his son actually talks about school work since he has been surrounded by only boys in his classroom. However, there is some disagreement about boys and girls being separated in the classrooms. Kim Gandy, president of the National Organization for Women says separate classrooms will bring gender discrimination. Girls won't have the opportunity to show how smart they are and that they can do what boys can. Boys will grow to have major problems including with having a girl as a supervisor. But since classrooms have been separated, girls tend to focus more and boys tend to participate more.

Separating boys and girls is a good idea to help children focus more, but it could cause discrimination in the school. In the past, women didn't have many rights and this could lead back to that, because they would not get to show boys their potential. When I was in middle school, boys didn't stop the girls from learning. The girls were actually the smartest in every subject. Having girls and boys in the same classroom is better, because they can help each other. For example, if a boy is not good in science, a girl could help him and if a girl isn't good in physical education, a boy could help her. If classes are separated, the two genders cannot help each other and see that they are smart and good at many things. The article stated "separate classrooms reinforce gender stereotypes," and I agree with this quote because boys already think they are stronger and smarter, so having all boys together means there will be no chance to show them that girls are equal and will make them think they are superior to girls.